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Interfraternity Council (IFC)

A group of fraternity members on top of Styx (sculpture).

Beta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Tau Kappa Epsilon

All students who join a Whitman College fraternity immediately become members of the Whitman College Interfraternity Council (IFC). By uniting together under one organization, the fraternities are able to create a climate of support among the four groups. Through IFC, the fraternity members increase their resources and are able to focus on issues of mutual interest such as sexual violence prevention, risk management practices for safe social events with alcohol, and diversity, equity and inclusion.

The IFC is led by the Executive Officers, comprised of members elected from each of the four fraternities. The Council meets every other week throughout the academic year to plan activities and conduct business that is of mutual concern to the fraternities. Sporting events, educational lectures, social functions, Greekend and recruitment are just a few of the many activities that IFC coordinates each year.

Follow IFC on Instagram: @Whitman_College_IFC

Interfraternity Council Bylaws

North-American Interfraternity Conference website

2023 IFC Recruitment Schedule

Please join us for a Pre-Recruitment Welcome Back event on Friday, Sept. 8 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. on Ankeny Field. Don't forget to register for no-cost no-obligation Fraternity Recruitment

In addition to the scheduled events below, all fraternities may have additional lunches, dinners, chill-outs, etc. from Tuesday, Sept. 12 to Sunday, Oct. 1.

Potential new member (PNMs) can attend as many or as few events from as many or as few fraternites as they choose. At these events, fraternity members are interested in getting to know PNMs and PNMs should ask whatever questions they have about time commitment, financial obligations, expectations of moral standards of comportment and academic requirements.

  • Friday, Sept. 15: Beta Theta Pi Rush Party
  • Saturday, Sept. 16: Sigma Chi Rush Party
  • Sunday, Sept. 17: Tau Kappa Epsilon Rush Trip
  • Friday, Sept. 22: Phi Delta Theta Rush Party
  • Sunday, Sept. 23: Sigma Chi Rush Trip
  • Friday, Sept. 29: Tau Kappa Epsilon Rush Party
  • Sunday, Oct. 1: Phi Delta Theta Rush Trip
  • Monday, Oct. 2: Fraternity Bid Day - fraternities will deliver bids (invitations to join) to the people they want to be in their newest class of members. One potential new member (PNM) may receive 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 bids.
  • Tuesday Oct. 3: Thinking Day - the fraternities don’t want to put any pressure on potential new members (PNMs). This is a day for PNMs to consider their options.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 4: Bid Acceptance Day - if a PNM still has any questions, this is the perfect time to ask. Get all the information necessary to make a decision.

IFC Officers

President: Andy Fisher (fishera@whitman.edu)
Vice President: Will Harrast (harrastw@whitman.edu)
Secretary Treasurer: Cade Gordon (gordonc@whitman.edu)
Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility Officer: Chance Kelly (kellyc@whitman.edu)
Public Relations Officer: Danny Sewell (sewelld@whitman.edu)
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