Trip Policies
Experience an outdoor adventure by going on a trip through the Outdoor Program. Activities include: snowshoeing, hiking and backpacking, sea and surf kayaking, canoeing, rafting and more!
Stop by the OP Rental Shop to sign up for this semester's trips! Signups for fall OP trips will begin at the activities fair in September.
Waitlist Policy
If there is a cancellation more than 3 days in advance of a trip (before Wednesday for any weekend trip) the first person on the wait-list will be notified. He or she has 24 hours to respond after which everyone on the wait-list will be notified. They must respond within 24 hours to keep their position on the wait-list or the first person who responds will get the trip spot. If there is a cancellation less than 3 days in advance of the trip, everyone on the waitlist will be emailed and spots filled on a first-come first-serve basis.
Cancellation Policy
If there is a cancellation on a trip and a spot opens up, the first person on the waitlist will be notified via email. They have 24 hours to respond before the next person on the waitlist will be contacted to fill the open spot. Starting the Monday preceding a trip, anybody can sign up for the open spot on a trip whether or not they are on the waitlist. Spots will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis.
Whitman Faculty, Staff, Employees and Alumni Member Trip Policy
Whitman Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Employees are welcome to join WCOP trips! You may sign up for trips once we have opened trip sign ups for students. You will be charged the student trip price plus 30% of the Student trip price.
Community Member Policy
Members of the Walla Walla community are welcome to join WCOP trips; however, they will remain on the wait list until approximately one week before the trip begins. If, a week before the trip date, there are spots available on the trip, a WCOP employee will contact the community member and ask if they are still interested in the trip, in which case they will be given a spot. Additionally, they will be charged the student trip plus 50% of the student price. During the summer, community members may sign up for trips as soon as trip sign ups are open.
Bob Carson Outdoor Fund (BCOF) Use Guide
The Bob Carson Outdoor Fund (BCOF) was created in 2012 and named in honor of Professor Rober Carson, a strong supporter of the Outdoor Program (OP) and an icon in the Geology department and Environmental Studies Program for more than 35 years. The BCOF gives every student at Whitman the opportunity to participate in Outdoor Program trips, regardless of their ability to afford the cost. Pretty awesome!
Currently, the BCOF allots $150 to every Whitman College student every year. This fund can be used for the entire academic year to go on Outdoor Program trips. This fund is charged through the students Whitman College ID card and the balance can be tracked on a student's MyWhitman page.
The BCOF's main purpose is to be used toward OP trips. Guidelines for use are as follows:
Ways BCOF Can Be Used:
- Any Whitman student can use it towards paying for an OP trip
- OP trip leaders and LITs that are employed during the current semester can use BCOF towards rental of gear for themselves. Paid trip leaders receive free rentals on gear in their activity area
- Any Whitman student can use BCOF towards paying for the WFR recertification
- Participants on OP trips can use BCOF towards rental of necessary personal gear, but only for that trip
Ways BCOF Can't Be Used:
- BCOF not used in one academic year does not transfer to the next year
- One student's BCOF cannot be used by anyone else for anything
- BCOF cannot be used towards gear rental for personal trips (except as otherwise specified)
- BCOF cannot be used towards SSRA activity fees, climbing center fees, or towards purchase of rental merchandise
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Looking for an outdoor experience or interested in a first-aid course? Check out the OP’s online portal, Compass.