The Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty is responsible for administering the academic program of the College. The Office’s general areas of responsibility include the faculty; the curriculum; academic support services; the academic program budget; grants and faculty development; institutional governance; accreditation and assessment; and relations with alumni, students, and external audiences.
The Provost and Dean of the Faculty is the chief academic officer of the College and as Provost represents Whitman College in the absence of the President.
Elisabeth Mermann-Jozwiak
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Memorial Building 308
Telephone: 509-527-5397
Responsibilities specific to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty include but are not limited to the following:
- Oversee overall development of academic program and prepare annual revisions to College strategic plan
- Prepare and submit reports to Board of Trustees about academic program and faculty
- Chair, Committee of Division Chairs; Member, President’s Cabinet; Member of Faculty Personnel Committee (ex officio)
- Supervise Registrar; Associate Deans of the Faculty; directors of Penrose Library, Off-Campus Studies Program, Institutional Research, Career and Community Engagement Center and Athletics; department chairs and directors of interdisciplinary programs
- Formulate annual Provost and Dean of the Faculty budget request; supervise administration of academic and academic program support budgets
- Oversee all tenure track searches
- Evaluate all tenure track faculty annually; conduct periodic review of all tenured faculty
- Determine salaries of all instructional staff and non-instructional staff in offices that report to Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty
- Administer sabbatical leave, family leave, leave of absence programs, Salary Continuation Plan, and faculty retirement programs
- Work with Director of Grants and Foundation Relations in development and oversight of external grants designed to support academic program
- Work with Office of Development and Alumni Relations in securing endowments to support faculty positions and academic program
Mary Raschko
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
Memorial Building 311
Telephone 509-527-5210
Responsibilities specific to the Associate Dean for Faculty Development include but are not limited to the following:
- Chair, steering committee of Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
- Organize and oversee new faculty orientation and year-long teaching series
- Implement "Advancing Excellence in Teaching" endowment initiatives (e.g., Innovations in Teaching and Learning grants, Cross-Disciplinary Learning and Teaching Initiative, etc.)
- Formulate and oversee diversity efforts, including but not limited to faculty recruitment
- Chair Aid to Scholarship and Instructional Development (ASID) Committee
- Oversee Professional Development Funds
- Assist faculty in identifying individual grant opportunities (e.g., National Endowment for the Humanities, Keck Foundation, etc.)
- Conduct informal review of tenure-track faculty
- Oversee Mentoring Program
- Review and update department chairs handbook
- Oversee hiring of contingent faculty and participate in their evaluation
- Ex officio member of Committee of Division Chairs; Member, President’s Council; Ex officio member, College Collections Committee
- Supervise Directors of Office of Fellowships and Grants, Maxey Museum and Sheehan Art Gallery
Helen Kim
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Memorial Building 312
Telephone 509-527-5187
- Curriculum Vitæ (pdf)
Responsibilities specific to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs include but are not limited to the following:
- Supervise Academic Resource Center
- Provide strategic leadership on curricular initiatives
- Ex officio member of Committee of Division Chairs, Curriculum Committee, General Studies Committee, Off-Campus Studies Committee, Student Life Committee, Safety Committee, IACUC, Athletics; Member, President’s Council, Provost’s Council
- Serve as chair of Assessment Committee and develop assessment instruments for academic program
- Oversee NWCCU Accreditation process
- Coordinate external reviews of academic departments
- Monitor enrollment trends and, where appropriate, recommend hiring of faculty
- Assist departments in developing two-year curriculum and staffing plans for academic departments and interdisciplinary programs
- Oversee pre-major advising (with Dean of Students)
- Administer student research and conference budgets
Provost Staff
Atarah Pinder, Assistant Director for Faculty Human Resources
Qi Jia, Associate to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Laurie Doohan, Senior Academic Assistant