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Chemistry Department Research

Joining a research lab and participating in undergraduate research can be one of the highlights of students' time at Whitman and the chemistry department is proud of the breadth and success of the research labs within the department. While not required, joining a research lab at Whitman is one of the ways chemistry and BBMB majors can work towards their senior thesis requirement (chemistry majors may also write a thesis about research undertaken off-campus or on an area of the chemistry literature to fulfull the thesis requirement).

Each fall the department organizes a formal recruiting process for students interested in joining Whitman chemistry research labs in order to facilitate the transparency and inclusiveness of the process.

If you are interested in joining a research lab this Fall (2022), follow this link: 
(Whitman students only; must be logged into Whitman Google account, ignore the old year in the url)

Remember that positions with Whitman Chemistry Faculty are not guaranteed so be sure to explore other options!

REUs at other institutions

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