Class of 1984 35th Cluster Reunion, Fall 2019

Class of 1984
35th Cluster Reunion - Fall 2019
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Row One: Ginny Barton Hoerger, Jessica Allen, Catharine Lyman Asay, Ed Mack, Kevin Loomer, Erica Littlewood, Mike Barela, Mary Stickles, Lisa Carloye
Row Two: Lisa Nelson Newland, Si Newland, Laurie Silfven, Cindy Paulson, Brady Jensen, Peter Harvey, Andrea Skappered Frazier, Jodi Hughes Kmiecik, Nancy Colwell Forrest, Cricket Rogg Cordova '83, Amy Gibbs Burton, Bob Burton, Marianne Blayney Callahan
Row Three: Todd Carey, Chris Beard, Clayton Berner, Rob Adams, John Youngsman, Bill Weeks, Marcy Kaufman, John Eskew, Doug Luther
Row Four: Tim Thomas, Marshal McReal, Trudy Coler, Maria Denny, Joan Marchioro, Susan Stoltz, Brad McMurchie
Row Five: Michael Meyers, Carol Howarth, Maria Miller Groen