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Parent and Family Gifts

The Whitman Fund

Donations to The Whitman Fund benefit your student and every other Whitman student. You can choose how to designate your gift to enrich the student experience.

  • Greatest Need: Support the college’s highest priorities.
  • Scholarship & Student Aid: Ensure talented students have the resources to choose Whitman.
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Support initiatives that positively impact inclusion, belonging and dialogue.
  • Academic Excellence: Promote teaching, learning and innovative curriculum.
  • Internships: Provide student opportunities outside of the classroom.
  • Sustainability: Advance social equity, environmental integrity and economic security.

Please join our Whitman Community in supporting students and keeping our community strong and thriving.

Make a Gift

Family Leadership Council

Another opportunity for parents to support Whitman is by joining the Family Leadership Council (FLC). The FLC supports the college in creating a strong advocate base among families of Whitman students. Members of the FLC support The Whitman Fund annually, through their volunteer work and their giving. The committee meets twice a year, hears from the college's leadership team, and provides volunteer support to a variety of departments within.

Contact Us

For any questions or additional information on the FLC, please contact:

Joshua Gonzales
Development Officer | Family Giving 

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