364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Class of 2011 5th Cluster Reunion, Fall 2017

Class of 2011
5th Cluster Reunion - Fall 2017
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Row 1: Kayla Chory, Brigitte Meyer, Claire Oatey, Leah Wheeler Elstrott, Ilona Davis, Kristen Coverdale, Geneva Faulkner, Elizabeth Gossard Coleman, Emily Nickels, Hannah Payne
Row 2: Liam Mina, Chris Saxby, John Klaassen, Tom Austin, Liesl Olson, Kate Pringle VanDonge, Erica Pitcavage, Kathryn Kailey Bolles
Row 3: Gary Wang, Alex Keans Fairfortune, Tessa Carlson Fairfortune, Sawin Lee, Brian Wakefield, Chad Trexler, John Hodges, Nate Rankin