Class of 2006 10th Reunion, Fall 2016

Class of 2006
10th Reunion - Fall 2016
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Row 1: Lindsey Case Thompson, Meghan Goss O’Malley, Kara Mackenzie, Leyla Khastou Allum, Jennifer Crane, Jane Rynbrandt Marshall, Anne Owen Ashton, Jessica Wilczek Jung, Sandra Corpuz, Marta Lilly, Allison Boomer, Tristan Child, Olivia Nilsson, Brian Waibel, Kavita Kode Malling, Walker Malling
Row 2: Kaylin Greene, HB Lozito, Lena Nachand, Paulina Oceguera, Cole Smead, Oliver Stiefel, Hillary Chisholm Stiefel, Laura Lambruschi, Sarah Bassuk Mundal, Devon Mundal, John Guenther, Marya Colignon, Kristin Seymour, Allison Schlilaty Doull
Row 3: John Carlson, Aaron Mandel, Sarah Dawe, Nicole Grageda Ashby, Ryan Berry, Julia Swan, Sam Barnhart Hartford, Stephanie Russian, Emily Jarvis, Karna Williams Cristina, Jeannie Tucker, Katie Curtis Corcoran, Andrew Poole, Julie Larson Johnson
Row 4: Drew Lorona, Julian Trowbridge, Aspen Davidoff, Mary Fellman, Tippy Rutherford Hartford, Molly Lindahl Lovelin, Lorri DeFoor
Row 5: Hans Bengtson, Clark Blumenstein, Greg Warner, Jill DeVleming, Eric Lovelin, Becky Burand Lahr, Mariah Weston
Row 6: Sam Johnson, Michael Pinkham, Tyler Phillips, Amy Sharp
Row 7: Donald Guthrie, Stephanie Finn Guthrie, Ryan Porter, Joseph Nyamumbo, Rosalinda Mendoza, Katy Beloof, Zachary Jackson
Row 8: Pat O'Steen, Zack Steel, Matt Schoonmaker, Zosha Huemmer Schoonmaker, Chelle Ritzenthaler Davis
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -