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Class of 1979 40th Reunion Fall 2019

Class of 1979
40th Reunion - Fall 2019

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Row One: Rick Colwell '77, Heidi Igarashi, Kris Whitmore Ireland, Vicki Crawford Coats, Kate Lindemann Wilkins, John Blackmon, Stephen Hammond, Theopolis Williams '78, Megan Ferguson Clubb

Row Two: Steen Hudson, Kris Johnson, Joel Carlson, Leslie Stevens Phillips, John Leitch, Charlotte Bibb Hammond, Michelle Wilkie, Mia Anderson

Row Three: Alan Wing, Jennifer Thompson Prekeges, Chris Ferrel Bishop, Johanna Waller Dakopolos, Diana Taylor Williams, Sue Corbett Miller, Polly Sidwell, Chris Searls Porter

Row Four: (starts in the middle) Robin Riedinger, David Hartsfield, Chuck Porter, Sheri Lynch

Row Five: Chuck Taylor, Heidi Jacobsen Myers, Michael Brown, David Pearson, Mike Alger, Michael Ballard

Row Six: Don Myers, Dan Hendrickson, Jim Hunt, Pete Keyes, Bruce Woods

Row Seven: Blaine Newland, Rosanne Newland

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