364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Class of 1964 55th Reunion, Fall 2019

Class of 1964
55th Reunion - Fall 2019
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Row One: Bobbi Dwinnell Luisi, Suzy Muldown Ronfeldt, Lucie Murray Mates, Mary Ann Veazey Albee, Phil Rolfe
Row Two: Shelly Cochran Kendall, Anita Biklen Williams, Sally Bumgarner, Jean Davies Burpee, John Burpee, Jan Hough Rolfe, Judy Richardson Kneebone '67, Terry Kneebone
Row Three: Susan Neils Kadlec, Bobbi Day Jensen, Karen Jaconsen Walters, Mary Klas Mattern, Julie Sims Ball, Patty Patterson, Gail Pollock
Row Four: Dave Hullin, Judith Borseth Hullin, Joan Wells Betwee, John Betwee, Nancy Sanford Hughes, Robb Ball, Charlie Clarke, George Pollock, Bobbi Albee