364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Class of 1961 55th Reunion, Fall 2016

Class of 1961
55th Reunion - Fall 2016
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Row 1: Rob Thomason (spouse), Karen Kidd Thomason, Karen McCormic Beierle, Mary Berger Chatfield, Barbara Gloyd Smith, Lesley Allison (spouse), Vic Walker, Marcia Mittelstaedt Black
Row 2: Bill Montgomery, Sally Griffiths Olsen, Pris Alsip Lange, Sally Clarke Landauer, Packard Phillips, Patrick Smith, Denny Wohlford
Row 3: David Kennedy, Ann Willard Watts, Maryanne Walton Lyon, Ed Paget, Barrett Worthington, Mary Duncan Worthingon