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Writing & Editing

The Office of Communications content team supports faculty and staff across campus with their content needs, including print and web features, enrollment materials and emails, websites, brochures, flyers and other needs. We also provide editing for all material created by Communications.

The content team works across print and digital platforms to best tell the story of Whitman College. If you have a story idea you’d like to share with us, please submit it through our News Tip Form.

Our Services

The Whitman Magazine is our flagship publication for sharing the college’s best stories with our alumni and friends. The magazine is published in September, January and May, with a November issue that incorporates the Annual Report of Gifts. Magazine story ideas are developed months in advance of publication. To suggest a magazine feature, please fill out the News Tip Form

All of our articles and news releases are published to the Whitman Stories page of the website. Newsroom articles may include profiles of faculty and students, video stories, news announcements, upcoming events, interviews with alumni, and information about visiting speakers. Please fill out our News Tip Form to suggest an article for the newsroom.

We collaborate with our web development team to create a whitman.edu website that is engaging for prospective students and easy to navigate. Communications is available to meet with faculty and staff to discuss website best practices and analytics to help meet the college and your department’s online goals. Reach out to commprojects@whitman.edu to request a meeting.

To request changes online, use our Website Request Form.

The Communications team is available to write brochures, flyers and other print material that support the college’s strategic initiatives. If you need content help for a print project, please visit the Starting a Project page.

The Office of Communications maintains the college’s style guide. All content is edited to ensure a strong college voice and consistency across platforms and to meet the needs of various audiences. Access the Whitman Style Guide.

If you have questions about working with the content team, please email Director of Content Margie Reece or call 509-527-4917.

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