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Current and Prospective Tutors

Prospective Tutors

Are you a strong student in at least one subject area and feel confident that you can support your peers by guiding them through course content? Are you looking for a paid position on campus with flexible hours that also allows you to work with concepts relevant to your chosen field of study? Apply to become a tutor today! Your first step is to submit your application via Handshake. You will be asked to provide a current resume, cover letter, unofficial transcript and a list of the courses you wish to tutor along with the names of your instructors. Once this information has been received, we will reach out to those instructors to request recommendations and then follow up with you directly for next steps.

Current Tutors

Please be sure to complete the PACT Report Form at the end of every session whether 1:1 or drop in.  It is much easier for you if you take that few minutes at the end of every session instead of trying to do them all later.  

Contact Us:
  • Olin Hall 334
    345 Boyer Avenue
    Walla Walla, WA 99362
  • Summer Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Academic Year Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Phone: 509-527-5898 Fax: 509-527-5039
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