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Pášx̣apa Advisory Council for CTUIR Collaboration (PACCC)


Collaboration between Whitman College and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) has taken many forms over the past decades, including experiential learning opportunities for Whitman students, trips to the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, art workshops for youth of the CTUIR, and lectures and other educational programming provided by Tribal members to the Whitman community.


In 2015, the CTUIR requested that a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) be created to serve as a long-term guide for a partnership between Whitman College and the CTUIR. 

In May 2017, the memorandum was signed and the Whitman College Advisory Council for CTUIR Collaboration (WCACCC) was created to oversee Whitman's responsibilities in accordance with the MOA.

In April 2022, the memorandum was re-signed. Read the most current Memorandum of Agreement.

In February 2024, the WCACCC Guidelines were adopted by the advisory council.

In May 2024, the WCACCC name was changed to PACCC (Pášx̣apa Advisory Council for CTUIR Collaboration).

Purpose of the PACCC

The purpose of the Pášx̣apa Advisory Council for Collaboration with the CTUIR (PACCC) is to enable Whitman College to function as an effective long-term partner to the CTUIR in areas of common educational concern. All members of the Whitman College community collaborating or desiring to collaborate with the CTUIR are asked to communicate with the PACCC. Faculty, staff, or students without prior relationships with members of the CTUIR should contact the PACCC if they are interested in developing a project. The PACCC will then ensure that the proper contact at CTUIR is made and facilitate an introduction. Faculty or staff with ongoing relationships with individuals or offices of the CTUIR should inform the PACCC about continuing or new projects. The purpose of this communication is to ensure a more unified and coherent effort by Whitman College to serve as a productive long-term educational partner with the CTUIR.

PACCC Responsibilities

Members assist with ensuring the scope and responsibilities as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement between Whitman College and the CTUIR are accomplished. Those responsibilities include:

  1. Educational and research interests and pursuit of funding for joint research efforts that are mutually beneficial
  2. Campus orientation for Native American students
  3. Summer Prep Classes Native American students
  4. Outreach to Native American populations
  5. Recruitment of Native American students
  6. Retention of enrolled Native American students
  7. Financial Aid for Native American students
  8. Academic Advising for Native American students
  9. Internship Opportunities for Native American students
  10. Establishment of a Native American Student Liaison
  11. Course Development of local Tribal history, CTUIR-specific history, and Sahaptan or other languages
  12. New Student Orientation 
  13. Establishment of a Native American Student Advisor

PACCC Composition & Meetings

The PACCC shall be composed of administrators, staff, and faculty with knowledge of past collaborative initiatives with the CTUIR and with the capacity to communicate with a broad range of members of the campus community. At least one member of the President's Cabinet, one faculty member, and one student will be included in the advisory council. The PACCC will meet once a month from September through June annually.

Terms of service are indefinite. As long as the member has the capacity and desire to serve they are welcome to remain on this advisory council as an active member.

A group of Whitman employees who are members of the PACCC

Current membership includes:

  1. Special Assistant to the President for Native American Outreach (President’s Staff)
  2. Provost and Dean of Faculty (President’s Cabinet)
  3. VP for Diversity and Inclusion (President’s Cabinet)
  4. IPECC President and Treasurer (Students)
  5. Sinaata Scholars (Students)
  6. Professor of Physics and Chair of 22-23 Climate Action workgroup (Faculty)
  7. Senior Lecturer of Anthropology, Environmental Studies and Religion (Faculty)
  8. Associate Professor of Art History & Indigeneity, Race and Ethnicity Studies (Faculty)
  9. Chair of the Division of Mathematics and Science (Faculty)
  10. Associate Dean for Faculty Development (Staff/Faculty)
  11. Co-Director of the Career and Community Engagement Center and College Liaison for Community Affairs (Staff)
  12. Maxey Museum Exhibitions and Collections Manager (Staff)
  13. Assistant Director of Admissions (Staff/DEIA Focus)
  14. Archives (Staff)

WCACCC 2023–2024 Annual Report

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