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Genevieve Vogel

Genevieve Vogel


Senior Admission Intern

Major(s): Economics & History Double Major

Why you chose Whitman: I found Whitman early in my college search and it stayed my top choice throughout, leading me to apply Early Decision 2. I wanted to go to a liberal arts college with a kind community that would support my journey, make me a more well-rounded student, and where I would feel valued. I was also excited to branch out in a new part of the country. A great conversation with a Whitman Admission Officer at a college fair confirmed that Whitman was where I wanted to be.

More about my decision to attend Whitman is in my podcast episode of Our Whitman, My Story.

Favorite things to do in Walla Walla: I love walking around the cozy tree-lined neighborhoods surrounding campus in the evening. I’ll often catch a glimpse of pink clouds and know it's time to get outside to catch a good sunset. My friends and I will have long conversations and imagine the people who may have lived in the homes we pass. The Walla Walla 2020 project has an amazing map that links to articles on Walla Walla’s historic homes. 

Favorite spot on campus: The benches in front of Penrose Library have an excellent view for people watching. I really enjoy watching Ankeny Field fill up with people walking all directions to classes, shouting hellos, and playing music to things going back to normal a few minutes later. It’s also a great place to run into friends going into the library for study sessions.

What advice you’d give yourself when you were going through the college process: Be your most authentic self. The college process is a bit of a matching game and it’s going to be much better if you’re honest about who you are, your needs, and what you want out of your experience.

Best class you’ve taken on campus: I think my favorite class I’ve taken at Whitman is The Americas, 1968-1999, a history course that focused on Latin America, colonization, and imperialism. The seminar format of the class empowered vibrant discussions and honed my presentation skills.

Favorite campus traditions: I love going to the Interest House Community (IHC) Block Party. There are tons of free games, activities, and cultural foods provided by members of the IHC community. When I was living in the French House, our French cookies with jam were a huge hit.

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