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CS Commons

The CS Commons is a great place to study alone or in groups sitting at tables or sketching out class inheritance diagrams or code on the whiteboards. Bookcases along the wall feature many classic computer science texts and periodicals. Faculty offices are located in the CS Commons opposite the whiteboards.

Instructional Labs

The Whitman Computer Science (CS) instructional labs were designed from the start to support best practices in CS education. Lab tables can be quickly converted between either a flat tabletop or keyboard and monitor configuration. The flat tabletops provide an open space where students can gather to sketch algorithm designs or shuffle tangible props to discover how to sort lists or insert nodes into a binary tree. The keyboards and monitors are spaced to facilitate pair programming. In pair programming, students take turns in roles of the driver, who types the code, and the navigator, who reviews the code and offers suggestions. Students can also use portable whiteboards to sketch test cases, algorithms, code, or user interface layouts. All of these tools enable our faculty and student peer educators to apply a variety of instructional modes to create an active, engaged learning environment.

Olin Hall 124 CS Lab

30 student terminals, 1 faculty lectern terminal. 

Olin Hall 228 CS Lab 

16 student terminals, 1 faculty lectern terminal. 

Lab Schedule

More Information and the Lab Schedule 

Specialized Labs

Immersive Stories Lab

In the Immersive Stories Lab you can tell your own story whether it is the next great science fiction animated short, an interactive visualization of data from your biology, chemistry, geology, or sociology class, a reconstruction of architecture from classical Greece or First Peoples, or a live stage show that blends music, motion, and lights. Create immersive floor and wall projections, sound, and dynamic color-changing light shows that respond to human movement and gestures. 


Launch your idea for a new business in this collaborative space that promotes connections with the local business and educational communities. The WINcubator is located in the basement of the Whitman Technology Services building. The WINcubator was started by the Whitman Innovation Network, or WIN, a student club focused on innovation and entrepreneurship in collaboration with the Computer Science at Whitman (CS@W) club. The WINcubator was founded with generous support from the Port of Walla Walla and Walla Walla Community Council. Read more about the computer science students involved with the project

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