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Whitman Stories

A student looking off into the horizon in Spain.
October 18, 2023

New Course Offers Study Abroad Students a Place to Reflect and Move Forward

‘Global Returns’ class connects international experiences with career insights, opportunities and meaningful change.
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Mike Nobles puts documents in envelopes.
May 3, 2019

Student Supports Sustainable Agriculture in Madagascar through Internship Grant

Halfway around the world in Madagascar, subsistence farmers are harvesting silk from silkworms and weaving them into burial shrouds. But it's a student from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, who is helping turn that fabric into a marketable industry.
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Hadar Ahuvia performs a dance.
May 2, 2019

Visiting Educators Bring Unique Expertise to Whitman

Each semester, students at Whitman College get the chance to be exposed to ideas from around the globe, thanks to the O’Donnell Visiting Educator program. Managed by the Center for Global Studies, the O’Donnell program funds visitors from around the world, who bring their expertise and perspective to Walla Walla.
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