A Look Back: Whitman’s Fall Semester in Photos

The foggiest notion. Beloved campus sculpture Styx watches over a foggy Ankney Field on a December morning. (Photo by Patrick Record.)
From the last days of summer to the first frost, the Fall 2024 semester at Whitman College brought new friendships, amazing learning experiences, exciting club activities and athletics, and a host of good memories. While we wish we could capture it all, here’s a small sampling of life at Whitman College in Fall 2024.

Welcome to Whitman! New students meet their Opening Week Leader (OWL) on Ankeny Field during the first week of fall semester at Whitman College before heading to the New Student and Family Welcome in Cordiner Hall on Aug. 28. (Photo by Matthew McKern.)

Cruising the Gap. A Whitman student kayaks on the Wallula Gap during an outing with the Outdoor Program and International Student and Scholar Services on Sept. 15. (Photo by Gauri Vaidya ’28.)

Learning in action. Riley Cooper ’26 presents the Human-Centered Design (HCD) Lab Playground Proposal to the Walla Walla Center for Children and Families. As part of the HCD lab, six students spent weeks learning from experts in parks and recreation, child development, and sustainable design. They also visited playgrounds, surveyed local families and gathered ideas to incorporate into a new playground design plan for the center. (Photo by Matthew McKern.)

Blue sky days. A view of Lyman Hall from Ankeny Field captured on Oct. 2. (Photo by Gauri Vaidya ’28.)

Fall foliage fest. A Whitman student makes their way across campus amid the changing of the leaves during a beautiful fall day in November. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Beauty with Bolton. Whitties enjoy the beauty of the Pacific Northwest during a “Hike With the President” arranged by the Outdoor Program on Oct. 5. (Photo by Mas Ra’ed Salameh Aldardasawi ’28.)

Jumping for joy. The Tap Dance Club—founded in 2023 when Paige Yanny ’25 and Stella Coomes ’25 bonded over their love of tap—hosted its monthly beginner workshop in Sherwood Athletic Center on Nov. 4. (Photo by Yahir Tzec ’25.)

Setting the tempo. Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Susumu Watanabe directs the Wind Ensemble Fall Concert in the Hall of Music’s Chism Recital Hall on Nov. 21. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Hitting the books. Whitman student Finn Leahy ’25 studies in the Allen Reading Room of Penrose Library on Nov. 12. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Hitting the ball. Whitman students play Wiffle ball on Ankeny Field during a November afternoon. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Magic moments. Players of all skill levels meet weekly for commander and open play with the Magic the Gathering Club in the Reid Campus Center. (Photo by Yahir Tzec ’25.)

Global friendship and fun. Students from the South Asian Students Association pose for a photo during the Desi Gala. Guests celebrated the South Asian diaspora and desi culture with food, music and activities in the Reid Campus Center on Dec. 1. (Photo by Sarena Yousuf ’28.)

First Foods come to Cleve. Whitman College Native American Outreach and Bon Appétit collaborate to launch a new food station to educate and represent the traditional foods of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, or First Foods, in the Cleveland Commons Dining Hall on Dec. 6. (Photo by Kaitlin Moore Photography.)

Move to the music. Students listen to a live concert, featuring 60 JUNO and Les Gold, presented by campus radio station KWCW in the Reid Campus Center basement on Nov. 15. (Photo by Yahir Tzec ’25.)

Thriving with care. Whitman Biology major Isobel Meroe-Epes ’25 cleans the leaves of a plant before it is donated during the Open Greenhouse on Dec. 6. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Good voices, good cause. Whitman’s soprano-alto a cappella group, the Sirens, perform at the Feast of Carols concert on Dec. 8. Sponsored by the Whitman Music Department, the annual event collects donations of nonperishable food items for Blue Mountain Action Council. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

The ultimate escape. Whitman students take a break from finals to play Ultimate Frisbee on Ankeny Field on Dec. 18. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Team spirit scores again. The Whitman men’s basketball team celebrates on the bench after scoring on Dec. 5 in Sherwood Center. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Blues deliver. The Whitman women’s basketball team looks to score against Hardin-Baylor in Sherwood Center on Dec. 12. The Blues won the game, 65-40, in a Northwest Conference-leading season. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Innovative and evocative. Whitman Dance students showcase their skill in modern dance and ballet during the December dress rehearsal for “Roots and Bones,” an original dance performance choreographed by Senior Lecturer of Dance Peter de Grasse and Dance Faculty Fellow Jessica Bertram Williams. (Photo by Yahir Tzec ’25.)

A ‘Popular’ performance. Whitman students perform scenes from operas, operettas, and musicals during the Opera and Musical Theater Workshop in the Hall of Music's Chism Recital Hall on Dec. 12. (Photo by Patrick Record.)

Biting good fun. Members of the Dracula Club take a break from giving students one-of-a-kind club experiences to pose for a photo. (Photo by Sarena Yousuf ’28.)

Do you want to build a snow Styx? A small replica of Styx made out of snow stands on a table next to the iconic Whitman sculpture after the first snow of the season on Dec. 13. (Photo by Patrick Record.)