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April 10, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

As we consider the financial challenges for Whitman and many other colleges and universities, we want to continue to provide information to support transparency and shared thinking across the campus.

Following discussions last month, we invited your questions and several people asked for more information on the budgetary outcomes of the Financial Sustainability Review (FSR) process, which took place in 2020-2021. Two particular areas of interest were any places where the College later wound back decisions made in the FSR, and total faculty and staff numbers over recent years.

Here are those materials.

  1. Spring 2021 Report on Financial Sustainability Review decisions.
  2. Spring 2023 Final Report on Financial Sustainability Review outcomes.
  3. Addendum to the 2023 final report, with additional significant changes to the FSR plans.
  4. Report on faculty positions over a decade.
  5. Staff numbers over a decade.

We hope that these materials may be helpful in answering the questions that have been asked.

As a reminder, we will also be holding open meetings this week for q&a.

  • For faculty: 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 11th, in Maxey Hall.
  • For staff: noon on Friday, April 12th, in Maxey Hall.

Those who may need accommodations in order to participate in these meetings, including remote access, should contact Telara McCullough who will assist.

We invite your questions in advance of these meetings, as well as during them. Please feel free to send us any questions here. As a reminder, slides from presentations in January and March are available on the President’s budget advisory committee page, here.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

With all my very best wishes,


Division of Finance and Administration
  • Memorial Building 223
    345 Boyer Ave.
    Walla Walla, WA 99362
  • 509-527-5145
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