What’s Your Whitman Happy Place?

We surveyed Whitman College students, faculty and staff to see what spots on our beautiful campus brought them joy and comfort. Here are some of the responses.
Ankeny Field. For generations of Whitties, this spacious green has been a communal space for sport, play and creative shenanigans—and on the best days of the year: an inspiring outdoor classroom.
Cleveland Commons. Whether you’re meeting friends in the coffee shop, tucked away in a booth grabbing lunch or quiet study time, or meeting in one of the glass-walled gathering rooms, Cleveland Commons is a modern mecca on campus.
Climbing Center. With more than 7,000 square feet of climbable surface, the state-ofthe- art facility for the upwardly mobile has sections designed to mimic a range of natural features.
Lakum Duckum. Ringed by a walking path, illuminated by a lighted fountain at night and with built-in seating, this geothermal spring is a hot spot for Whitties and ducks alike. As one student said, “… as long as there are baby ducks, I am content.”
My hammock! Whitman students are resourceful when it comes to relaxation. On a campus that boasts a 1:1 tree-to-student ratio, it’s no surprise that hammocks made our happy place list.
Narnia. The garden-like area bisected by College Creek is perfectly suited for quiet moments of reflection. It may appear to be a fantasy world but it’s the real deal when it comes to natural beauty.
Penrose Library. We have so much information available on our on-the-go devices, but alumni should know that the campus library remains a go-to location and endless resource—and happy place—for the modern Whittie.
Also mentioned ...
The dance studio, the Hall of Science planetarium, the amphitheatre, College Creek near the Topophilia Gates, the bench with the “rose arch near the tennis court” and “my bed … preferably at 7 p.m.”