Lizbeth Llanes Macias
345 Boyer Avenue
Hometown: Walla Walla, WA
Education: B.A. Whitman College, Sociology and Spanish (now known as Hispanic Studies)
What I love about Whitman: The supportive community we have on our campus starting from your peers to staff and faculty. Everybody on campus is very friendly and willing to support you. You are able to build relationships with people beyond academics because you genuinely get to know everybody pretty well.
Why I enjoy working in Admission: I like being a resource for students and their families, whether it's walking them through the admission process or answering any lingering questions. I also love meeting new students and learning about your interests and who you are.
Favorite Activities in Walla Walla: I have spent most of my life living in Walla Walla. I love to be a spontaneous person, so I really enjoy random community events such as movie nights at a local park. The most recent was “Finding Nemo” at Lions Park this past June.
A more predictable activity is walking my two dogs around Bennington Lake or Rooks Park. There are a couple of different trails you can explore, and you get the beautiful scenery of the Blue Mountains.
My Favorite Place on Campus: My favorite place on campus is Narnia (a cute and magical-like outdoor space near Penrose and Maxey Hall). It is such a beautiful place to sit back and relax, talk with friends, or read a book as the creek streams by. I also love going to Cleveland Commons, I will undoubtedly always see someone I know there, and we will do a quick catch-up as we wait for food or drinks.
Fun Fact(s) About Me: The longest show I watched was 440 episodes. I was very committed to watching, and it took me around a year to watch it all. (It was also the only show I watched that year).
I am extremely afraid of bees, that if caught off guard a fly will scare me!
Washington (Eastern excl-Spokane)