Sarah H. Davies
Maxey Hall 230
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin
Middlebury College
- International relations, imperialism, and historiography in the ancient Mediterranean
- Rise of Rome as an interstate power, from 3rd to 1st centuries BCE
- Cultural and political interactions in the Hellenistic period
- Receptions of antiquity and constructions of the "Classical"
- Carthage and the Punic Wars; Roman North Africa
Fall 2024
- (HIST-160) Troy & the Trojan War
- (HIST-227) Meet the Ancient Romans
- (HIST-331) A Tale of Two Cities: Carthage & Rome
Spring 2025
- (GENS-176) Making Powerful Arguments
- (HIST-225) Cleopatra: History & Myth
- (HIST-160) Seminar: Troy & the Trojan War
- (HIST-180) Antiqui-tea: Spilling the Ancient Mediterranean
- (GENS-145, 146, 176) The First-Year Experience / Seminar: Confronting the “Classical”
- (HIST-215) Special Topics: Pompeii, Beyond the Time Capsule (now HIST-165)
- (HIST-215) Special Topics in Ancient History: Who Owns Antiquity?
- (ARTH/CLAS/HIST-224) Powerful Art/ifacts: Greece & Rome
- (HIST-225) Cleopatra: History & Myth
- (HIST-226) Meet the Ancient Greeks
- (HIST-227) Meet the Ancient Romans
- (HIST/CLAS-280) The “Other” Greece & Rome
300- and 400-level
- (HIST-320) Alexander & the Hellenistic World
- (HIST-330) Hail Caesar? The Roman Revolution
- (HIST-331) Carthage & Rome
- (HIST-401) Senior Colloquium: (Un)learning Imperialism
- (HIST-489) Seminar. House of Mirrors: Roman Imperialism (now HIST-393)
- (HIST-498) Honors Thesis
Rome, Global Dreams, & the International Origins of an Empire. Brill, Impact of Empire series, 35. https://brill.com/view/title/54221
Peer-Reviewed Articles
2019. "Weaving a Map of 'Global' Empire: Second-Century BCE Origins of Mediterraneanism." Mediterranean Studies 27.1: 1-35.
2014. "Beginnings and Endings: 146 BCE as an Imperial Moment, from Polybius to Sallust." in R. Rita Marchese and F. Tutrone (eds.). Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature. EPEKEINA vol. 4, n. 1-2, pp. 177-218. (http://www.ricercafilosofica.it/epekeina/index.php/epekeina/article/view/95)
2013. "Carthage, Corinth, and 146 BCE: Shifting Paradigms of Roman Imperium." Ancient Borderlands International Graduate Student Conference (2010), Beyond Borders: Ancient Societies and their Conceptual Frontiers. University of California, Santa Barbara, California. (http://escholarship.org/uc/ancient_borderlands_rfg_2010)
2011. "An Augustan Period Altar at Carthage: Freedman Status and Roman Provincial Identity." in S. Morton and D. Butler (eds.). It's Good to Be King - The Archaeology of Power & Authority. 41st (2008) Annual Chacmool Archaeological Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Calgary: Chacmool Archaeological Association, The Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, pp. 213-224.