
- National and International Links
- Regional Listings
- Organization
- Water Resources
- Forests
- Environmental Studies Programs in the Region
- Other Links
National and International Links
- Greenpeace's comprehensive list of links
- Endangered Species Program - a site maintained by Fish and Wildlife Service devoted to all aspects of Endangered Species: listings, proposals, the 1973 Act.
- Environment and Development - websites focusing on sustainability and development.
- ENN - The Environmental News Network.
- Sustaining Marine Fisheries - A pre-publication report.
Regional Listings
- Cascades Volcano Observatory - from the United States Geological Survey.
- Cascadia - the bioregional website from Cascadia.
- King County's Hazardous Waste Management Program
- Earth Island Institute - Innovative Action for the Environment.
- Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment - Based in Seattle - good regional links.
- Northwest Trek - The Home Page of Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville, WA. Good links also to zoos and wildlife parks.
- High Country News - the chronicle of the changing west, and all on line.
- Sightline Institute - based in Seattle, base for Alan Durning and creative steps towards regional sustainability.
- Pacific Northwest Labs - Battelle's Pacific Northwest Lab's Environmental Sustainability Program.
- Save our Wild Salmon - returning salmon by restoring rivers
- Wildfire - the home of Wildfire magazine, with links to regional, national and international wildland fire link s
- Wild Salmon Center - Protecting the last, best wild salmon ecosystems of the Pacific Rim
- Wolf Haven International- This site, based in Tenino, Washington, brings you up to the minute information on wolves, especially the reintroduction program.
Agencies and Organizations
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Boise Cascade Corporation
- Bureau of Land Management
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- U.S. Department of Energy - Hanford
- U.S. Forest Service
Water Resources
- Water Resources of the United States - Take a look at the wide range of monitoring, assessment, and research activities conducted by the USGS to help understand and protect the quality of our drinking-water resources.
- USGS Water Resources of Oregon
- USGS Water Resources of Washington State
- Washington State Salmon Recovery Homepage - The Salmon office’s role is to coordinate and produce a statewide salmon strategy, assist in the development of regional salmon recovery plans, and submit the strategy and plans to the federal government.
- Wild Salmonid Policy- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service- "Conserving the Nature of America"
- National Wetlands Inventory Center- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Watershed Planning Home Page- from the Washington Department of Ecology. New and Pertinent Information to Local Watershed Planning Efforts
- Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council- fostering cooperation and education among all parties with interests in the Walla Walla River Basin Watershed in Oregon.
- American Water Works Association- "Dedicated to Safe Drinking Water"
- Water Quality Association - The Water Quality Association is the international trade association representing the household, commercial, industrial, and small community water treatment industry.
- USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - The NAWQA program is designed to describe the status and trends in the quality of the Nation's ground and surface-water resources and to provide a sound understanding of the natural and human factors that affect the quality of these resources.
- Water Quality Standards - From the EPA, water quality standards by state.
- Bureau of Reclamation ( Managing water in the American West
- Surf Your Watershed- A service to help you locate, use, and share environmental information about your place.
- Hydrology Web - Hydrology Web is a site that hosts a comprehensive list of links to Hydrology and related Hydrology resources.
- El Nino Theme Page- provided by NOAA for information on El Nino and La Nina
- GLIN-Great Lakes Information Network
- Oceanic - The Ocean Information Center - Provided by the Graduate College of Marine Studies
- Ocean Portal - Smithsonian Institution
- NOAA Homepage - resource for weather news and information
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- "to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment"
- International Rivers Network - Linking human rights and environmental protection
- American Forests - Global relief
- FSEE - Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics.
- Rainforest Action Network.
Environmental Studies Programs in the Region
- Duke University School of the Environment - Whitman participates in a 3-2 program with Duke.
- The Evergreen State College - graduate programs.
- Huxley College of Environmental Studies - Bellingham, Washington.
- University of Idaho - Program in Environmental Science.
- University of Oregon at Eugene.
- Portland State University - Environmental Sciences and Resources Program
- The Institute for a Sustainable Environment - at the University of Oregon.
Other Links
- Connecting With Nature - a focus on ecopsychology.
- Environmental Emergencies - information and response data provided by the World Conservation Service.
- Greennet - the network connecting the environment, peace, and human rights.
- Pesticide Action Network - for North America.
- What's the world's population right now? - rapid updates, and U.S. population figures too.
- El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Environmental Studies Home Page
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