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Whittie Wisdom

Whitman students are nothing if not generous! In Whittie Wisdom, they share their thoughts, tips and insights about navigating college life—and they share themselves through their unique voices. 

Rock climber on the indoor climbing wall.
March 27, 2024

Getting a Grip on Whitman College

There are very few times you’ll catch me doing any kind of activity without a friend—and rock climbing is one of them.
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Group on intramural sports students standing outside.
March 15, 2024

Intramural Sports at Whitman

Despite hours and hours of practice, I realized pretty quickly during my high school career that I was not going to play a sport in college.
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Student packing a suitcase on the floor.
January 15, 2024

Suitcase Checklist: Bringing Home With You to a Brand New World

Packing up for a life-changing international adventure doesn’t have to be stressful. I was no stranger to packing. I lived away from home as a teenager during my two-year stint at a boarding school in India.
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Walla Walla welcome road sign with sunshine and clouds behind it.
January 10, 2024

What’s there to do in Walla Walla? Plenty!

If you’re from a large city, you might be wary about moving to a rural town: what is there to do for fun?
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Graphic Calendar
January 10, 2024

Tips to Survive Academic Overload

You might have been advised to make the most out of your college experience. There are so many opportunities available to you as a student.
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Zoe Perkins
January 8, 2024

Subjective Truth: Finding My Voice at Whitman

My whole life, I’ve really enjoyed two things: telling stories and making people laugh. Usually, the only people who are subjected to get to enjoy my comedic genius are my friends, family, and the occasional Twitter (or X) user.
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Students socializing
December 22, 2023

Sipping, Studying and Soaking in Walla Walla Study Spots

Being lactose-intolerant has basically made coffee a no-go for me, but that won’t stop me from exploring the wonders of studying in Walla Walla coffee shops.
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Sunset over the Whitman College campus.
November 20, 2023

Why Whitman? Walla Walla Weather

Walla Walla is situated in Eastern Washington, in the valley between the Columbia River to the west and the Blue Mountains (our unofficial mascot!) to the east.
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Madeline Langdon
November 13, 2023

3 Steps to Find Your Perfect College

When I was a junior and senior in high school, finding the right college was constantly on my mind. Now, I’ve found and am attending the perfect one for me.
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Rubber duck in the grass.
November 3, 2023

Whittie Traditions: From Taking the Stage to Hunting for Rubber Ducks

When I was looking into colleges, I mostly focused on the West Coast. I loved everything about West Coast schools, from the promise of academic challenge without stifling competition to the proximity to my family.
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Runner outdoors.
September 19, 2023

The Balancing Act of Being a Student-Athlete

There are a lot of obligations that come with being a student-athlete. Finding your motivation is a really important part of thriving. There is a route for everyone to fulfill desires, as long as we care enough about them.
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Snow on the Whitman College campus.
September 5, 2023

Math, Midterms and the Moon: How to prepare for your first Midterm

Midterms can be pretty intimidating, especially if you’re like me and didn’t have them in high school. My first midterm at Whitman was for my astronomy class, and I was a little stressed.
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