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John Stratton

John Stratton

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Having no experience with computer science or programming before college, Professor John Stratton began his college education in computer engineering out of a desire to solve problems and build things. As soon as he discovered programming, he realized that software was also an excellent environment for solving problems and building things!

During graduate school, Stratton applied his background in both hardware and software to software performance optimization. He was mentored by people who were practicing the craft of high-perfromance computing and he learned how programmers with a concern for efficiency can and should write software that makes the best use of the hardware resources available, saving time and energy. Stratton is excited to be able to continue the tradition of mentoring the next generation of software developers, with an emphasis on awareness of the resources used in computing. 

Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.S. Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

In his current research, Professor Stratton studies software performance optimization, the practice of, and tools for, improving software performance. He puts a particular emphasis on designing efficient applications for scientific workloads. He is currently working on performance optimization case studies for biological simulation, image analysis for botanical specimens and productivity tools for programmers working on performance-sensitive applications. The Whitman Optimization Laboratory (OptiLab) on github hosts many of his current projects, which include contributions from many Whitman student research assistants over the years. 

Enhancing Faculty-Student Interaction in an Undergraduate Algorithms Course Through Group Oral Presentations. JA Stratton. Computing Education Practice 2021, 25-28

Optimizing Halide for Digital Signal Processors. JA Stratton, JKV Sreelatha, R Ravindran, SS Dake, J Palanisamy. 2020 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 1-6

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