News Tips Form
Do you know of a great Whitman-related story that you think a wider audience might be interested in? Are you a faculty member who would like to update us on your scholarship? Perhaps you have published a study, collaborated on a new publication or have taken on a new leadership role. Maybe you would like to share what’s happening in your classroom. Do you know of a student that is doing something unique that deserves coverage?
The Office of Communications would love to hear everything—from the day-to-day classroom happenings to the spectacular recognitions—so we can share it with prospective students, the on-campus community and alumni. We have many venues to share your work.
Please fill out the form below. If you do not want to include your name, just enter “anonymous” in the name field. Completed forms are reviewed by Communications staff.
You can find direct contact information for all members of the Communications staff here.