Gordon Scribner Award 2017
The Gordon Scribner Award was created to honor Gordon Scribner '42, former dean of students and director of alumni, upon his retirement. The award is given by the Alumni Association to persons who have made a major contribution of volunteer time and effort to Whitman College over an extended period of time and possess the ability to inspire. Any alumnus/alumna or friend of the College is eligible for this award. There are no restrictions regarding board involvement.
Recipients for 2017 are Charlie ’62 and Minda McLaughlin Merrow ’62
Meeting Charlie ’62 and Minda McLaughlin Merrow ’62 is like being welcomed home by people who are happier to see you than your own family. With an, “Oh, honey – hello!” from Minda, and a hilarious story about his Beta brothers from Charlie, strangers immediately become friends.
That warmth and genuine joy have been a benefit to Whitman for decades: Minda and Charlie have served as Admission representatives in San Diego for more than 40 years. Additionally, Charlie serves on the Planned Giving Committee and Minda has just finished two terms on the Alumni Board. They served as Class Representatives for many years, and served on the Reunion Fund Committee for their 50th Reunion. They have even hosted events at their home several times over the years.
Professionally, Charlie led research and development programs for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard; Minda was a school teacher before the birth of their two children, and after the youngest was in high school. They retired 10 years ago and have spent time traveling around the world and spoiling their four grandchildren. But they have always made time for Whitman.
When asked what they enjoyed most about giving of their time and talent to Whitman, Charlie replied, “My highlight has been being a member of the Planned Giving Committee for the past 10+ years. Working on ways to increase and improve the use of Planned Giving has been both interesting and rewarding.”
And Minda said, “My six years as an Alumni Board Member was a highlight for me, I was proud to be able to represent the thousands of Whitties over the College’s long history!”
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -