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Gordon Scribner Award 2003


2003 Whitman College Alumni Award Recipients
Gordon Scribner Award for Distinguished Service
The Gordon Scribner Award was created to honor Gordon Scribner '42, former dean of students and director of alumni, upon his retirement. The award is given by the Alumni Association to persons who have made a major contribution of volunteer time and effort to Whitman College over an extended period of time and possess the ability to inspire. Any alumnus/alumna or friend of the College is eligible for this award. There are no restrictions regarding board involvement.
Jim Robart

2003 Gordon Scribner Award for
Distinguished Service Recipient

Jim Robart is a long-time volunteer for his alma mater. From 1983-87 he served as a class representative and during the Campaign for Whitman in the early 1980s he served as a major fundraiser; he continues to be a major fundraiser for the College today. In past years, Jim served as an area activity coordinator for the Alumni Association in the Seattle area and has hosted alumni events in his home, and in 1994, he co-chaired his 25th reunion.

A member of the Whitman College Board of Overseers from 1988-1999, Jim served as chair from 1997-1999. He also served as chair of the budget review committee and in 1999 was appointed to the Board of Trustees. He is an active member of the Development Committee and is chair of the President's Circle gift society.

In 1986, Robart and his wife Mari Jalbing established the Victor and Nora Robart Scholarship in honor of Jim's parents; the scholarship is unrestricted.

Robart graduated magna cum laude from Whitman College in 1969 and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his J.D. in 1973 from Georgetown University Law Center, where he was administrative editor of the Georgetown Law Journal from 1972-73. He served on the board of governors of the Federal Circuit Bar Association from 1985-86 and as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He was selected by his peers to be listed in the 1997-98 edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the area of business litigation. Robart is a managing partner with the Seattle law firm of Lane, Powell, Spears, Lubersky LLP. Jim and Mari reside in Seattle and have been foster parents to six children.

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