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Faculty Award for Service 2016

The Whitman College Alumni Association Faculty Award for Service is given yearly to a faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in service to the Alumni Association. Although this service may take any number of forms, the underlying theme involves strengthening and maintaining ties between the College and its alumni. Examples of service include participation in alumni gatherings, both on and off campus, and assistance in the planning/implementation of alumni events.

Recipient for 2016 is Rogers Miles

2016 Faculty Award for Service, Rogers MilesRogers Miles recently retired as a senior adjunct assistant professor of religion and general studies. He is known fondly by many Whitman alumni and students for keeping Whitman’s history alive. At the annual Founder’s Day celebration on February 16, Rogers brought Whitman College founder Cushing Eells back to life and reminded the Whitman community of Eells’ relevance to the world today.

Rogers has worked with the alumni office staff, contributing to the celebration of our institution’s founding. He embodies every element of Cushing Eells’ being and stays in character for hours as he interacts with the student body as they pass through Reid Campus Center. Rogers spoke as Eells at the 150th anniversary of the First Congregational Church in Walla Walla, where Eells once preached before the congregation in 1864. More recently, he spoke in character at the First Congregational Church in Chewelah, WA, where Cushing Eells preached his first sermon in the Washington Territory in 1838.

Rogers made history come to life, benefiting current students, alumni, parents and friends of the Whitman community and strengthening the ties between the college and its constituents. The Alumni Association is proud to present Rogers with the 2016 Faculty Award for Service.

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