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Faculty Award for Service 2004


Faculty Award for Service
The Whitman College Alumni Association Faculty Award for Service is given yearly to a faculty member who has distinguished himself/herself in service to the Alumni Association. Although this service may take any number of forms, the underlying theme involves strengthening and maintaining ties between the College and its alumni. Examples of service include participation in alumni gatherings, both on and off campus, and assistance in the planning/implementation of alumni events.
Pat Spencer, Professor of Geology

2004 Faculty Award for Service Recipient

Professor of geology Patrick Spencer is the 2004 recipient of the Whitman College Alumni Association Faculty Award for Service. The Alumni Association Board of Directors presents the award to Spencer for his participation in alumni activities for more than a decade.

From the Rogue River to Glacier National Park, Spencer has shared his love of the land; from the Middle Fork of the Salmon River to Steens Mountain, he's given rock-solid presentations in his down-to-earth teaching style. His lecture on dinosaurs captivated alumni at the OMSI in Portland and he's rocked alumni with his insights at the Alumni College. And from Reno to Boston, he's socialized with geology majors to strengthen their ties to the College.

His commitment to teaching in the field has made him a valuable asset for the Whitman College Alumni Association's continuing education program. In appreciation for his dedication, the Whitman College Alumni Association presents professor of geology Patrick Spencer with the 2004 Faculty Award for Service.

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