Class of 1977 35th Reunion, Spring 2013
Class of 1977
35th Reunion - Spring 2013
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Row 1: Rick Stevenson ’77 with Leah and Oliver, Julie Stevenson, Laurie Elgee Stegner ’80 behind Matt Brown ’80 (in green shirt), Scott Graham ’77, Larry Stone ’77, Jan Jecha, Wendy Sanger McGuire ’77, Bob Coleman ’77, Jennifer Brown Coleman ’78, Patricia Inghram Curtis ’76, Nancy Lucas Williams ’77, Talbert Takahama ’75.
Row 2: John Stegner ’77, Beau Coats ’77, Lauryn Agnew ’77, Linda Hayhurst Fairfax ’77, Doris Minor ’77, Doug Slotnick, Janet Schilling Mowery ’77, Melisse Shipman Barrett ’77, Sharon Roe ’77.
Row 3: Mason Pagnini, Art Stevens ’78, Jenna Stevens, Adrienne Juenke-Green ’77, Mark Baldwin ’77, Priscilla Morton ’77, Jennifer Olson Strother ’77, Neil Strother ’77, Ruth Morrow ’77, Claire Tuohy-Morgan ’77, Betsy Greene Sander ’77, Sue Demaris Gifford ’77 (in front of Betsy), Barb Bailey.
Row 4: Bill Watts ’77, Heidi Igarashi ’79, Rick Colwell ’77, Lynn Hallowell, Dan Fairfax ’77, Camille Taylor Ralston ’77, April Brookins Duvic ’77.
Row 5 (starting in the center): Rolf Torgerson ’78, Chuck Ralston ’73, Carol Reed Rigby ’77 (behind Chuck), K. Waegelin Baxter ’77, Roxanne Shepherd ’77, William Stivelman ’77, Karin Nielsen ’77, Ellen Harbold Ostheller ’77, Don Bailey ’77.
Row 6: Tim Olson ’77, Paul Shearer ’77, Denise Burry Lundblade ’77, Jim Lundblade ’77, Larry Nelson ’77, Paulette Cowen Johnson ’77, Amy Poland Bates ’77, Bates Poland Bates ’77.
364 Boyer Ave
Baker Center, 2nd Floor
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -