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Class of 1967 Cluster Reunion, Spring 2012


Class of 1967 Cluster Reunion, Spring 2012

Class of 1967
45th Reunion - Spring 2012

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Row 1: Cyrus “Gordy” Anderson, Elizabeth Meugniot Anderson, Skip McNichols Oldfield, Judy Schulte Tanasse, Peggy North Stanlick ‘68, Tom Stanlick, Marky Hillyer Winger.

Row 2: Tom Oldfield, Charlie Budenz, Katherine Britt Keane, Charlotte Holmquist Evans, Linda Allen Driggers, Dennis McNair, Pat Daugherty Shallenberger, John Cooper, Susie Wilbanks Garrison, Leota Phillips Shaner, Susan Baugh Tomley, Elizabeth D. Guthrie Newland, Malinda Phillips Pankl.

Row 3: Ann Marie Rahfeldt, Gordon James, Dick Hunter ‘65, Jan Green Hunter, Lee Melcher, Gayle Stevens Sells, Donna Huntley Rice, Karen Bridger, Glenn Bridger, Bruce Jones, Robbie Scott, Charles Butler.

Row 4: David Yamashita, Rob Lesser, Rita Grimm Neff, Kathy Shelton Holst, Sally Smethurst Raker, Jeanne Eagleson, Mary Glyer Olsen, Sue Brown Songer, Sherryl Arch Parks, Carolyn Spence Church, Carole Hitchcock, Mike Tanasse.

Row 5: Lyn Smallwood, Mike Schultz, Bill Neff (in front of Mike), Peter Newland, Doug Gallant, Greg Jones, Kathy Lesley, Karen Anderson, George Anderson, Bill Hitchcock.

Row 6: Ken Dayton, Dave Salzer, Bill Reeves, Dave Morris, Craig Lesley, Svetlana Kononov (behind Craig), David C.E. Williams.

Row 7: Patty Sherry Phillips ’73, Charlie Phillips, Mike Munson, Mal Higgins, Jim Nerrie.

Row 8: Ro Lewis, Joe Richter, Darrell Baggs.

Row 9: Paul Lewis, Tom Church, Don Willis, Syd Wallace Hatch.

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