Upcoming Clinic Dates
Basics Clinic: Feb. 11th from 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Lead Clinic Part 1 & 2: Feb. 19th from 4–7 p.m. and Feb. 20th from 4–7 p.m.
Movement and Technique Clinic: Feb. 24th from 4:30–6 p.m.
Route Setting Clinic: Feb. 27th from 4–6 p.m.
Clinic Descriptions
To sign up for a clinic either email or sign up at the climbing center!
Basics Clinics
This two-hour clinic teaches the basics of top rope climbing and belaying including safety checks, tying in with the figure-8 follow-through knot, and climbing commands. (No experience necessary) Ages: 14 to Adults
$10 for students
$10 +$15 entrance fee for community members
Lead Clinics
This clinic consists of two sessions of three hours each and teaches the basics of lead climbing and belaying. (You must have already passed the top rope climb/belay proficiency test to take this clinic)
$25 for students
$25 +$15 entrance fee for community members
Specialty Clinics
Generally offered once per semester, the following specialty clinics offer instruction on a variety of climbing topics:
- GriGri
- Crack Climbing
- Movement
- Rappelling
- Belay take-over & pick-of

Looking for an outdoor experience or interested in a first-aid course? Check out the OP’s online portal, Compass.