You will need rather a large number of files to use the macros described here.

bookmacros.tex The main macro file, to be included with an \input statement in your $\TeX$ file.

*point.tex A number of files that allow switching to different size fonts. You should have files with * replaced by seven, eight, nine, ninehalf, ten, tenhalf, eleven and twelve.

*pointps.tex As above, but using Times fonts; these are needed only if you use Times and MathTime fonts.

gmbcsc10.tfm, gmbcsc10.864pk We use one nonstandard Computer Modern font—a bold caps and small caps font, for the section heads. You will need at least these two files. If you want to generate different sizes of the font, you also will need and The font gmbcsc10 is based on cmbcsc10, which is a non-standard font based on Knuth's cm fonts; gmbcsc10 has a few extra kerning pairs that seemed to me to give better results.

calligraphic.tex Needed if you use Times fonts; sets up for the use of the Computer Modern calligraphic letters.

idxmac.tex Indexing macros. I have made some changes to the original distribution; you will need my version.

tindex.tex Additional macros to generate a second index.

eplaindrg.tex A variety of useful macros; this file is version 1.9 as modified by me.

eplain.texinfo, texinfo.tex The first file produces a user manual for eplain version 1.9; it does not include documentation of my modifications. It is written in $\TeX$ info; to process it, you will need the second file. Of course, you need this only if you want to know more about the features of eplain.

These contain macros to load and make available the extra AMS symbol fonts. You need these only if you use the AMS fonts. If you don't have the AMS fonts, you will need to change \amsfontstrue to \amsfontsfalse in bookmacros.tex. These two files should be installed properly already if you have the AMS fonts, as should the supporting font files themselves (that is, the pk and tfm files).

The file makebook is a Unix shell script that automates the production of books using these macros by automatically running makeindex and bibtex, checking to see if important auxilliary files have changed, and running the correct version of $\TeX$ (Computer Modern or Times). To produce this manual, for example, type "makebook manual''.

The macros use a large number of different type sizes; your installation of $\TeX$ may not have all of the corresponding pk font files. If not, you will need to be able to generate the missing sizes, or you may be able to find them somewhere on the internet (your best bet is the CTAN $\TeX$ archive—use your favorite Web search engine to look for CTAN). When properly installed, the $\TeX$ previewer xdvi and the printer driver dvips will call Metafont automatically to make the required font files under Unix.

If you use Times fonts, you may find that your version of $\TeX$ runs out of room to store fonts, because it already is storing information about a large number of Computer Modern Fonts. Since these are not needed, you may be able to fix this problem by creating a Times version of $\TeX$ that does not load the Computer Modern fonts. The documentation \cite{spivak:mathtime-1.1} for the MathTime fonts describes how to do this.

To generate the indices, you will need the freely available program makeindex. Versions of this program are available for Unix, DOS and the Macintosh.

You may use \BibTeX with these macros. Thanks to eplain, using \BibTeX with these macros is just like using it with \LaTeX.\nocite{lamport:latex}