This is the plain TeX source for the Whitman Calculus book. The tarball calcbook.tbz should contain everything needed to produce the book other than files that should be in every TeX distribution. There is a Makefile that automates a typical build, and a script that produces pdf files of individual chapters. Everything works for me in a fairly standard Ubuntu 12.04 install. This tarball was last updated on May 23, 2015, 14:13.

The book can now be made in four flavors using the provided Makefile: single or multivariable, early or late transcendentals. The Makefile can also produce the html versions of the two multivariable books.

I would be delighted to receive corrections, suggestions, and contributions to the book. I would particularly appreciate receiving new exercises and solutions to exercises in LaTeX or plain TeX that could end up in a student solutions manual.

Of course, if you need major modifications to adapt the book to your needs, you are welcome to produce your own new version from the source.

I would appreciate knowing of anyone who uses this book in a class, and also would appreciate being able to see a copy of any modified version.

David Guichard