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Summer research internships can be a great opportunity for learning and doing physics, giving you a chance to:

  • Get a flavor for doing research - studying a problem that's not been worked on before - which is quite different from the bulk of your academic experience of working problems during the semester. This can give you an idea if science research is a direction you'd like to pursue after Whitman - either in graduate school or as a researcher at a company or in an academic/government lab.
  • Meet students from other institutions.
  • Get to know another part of the planet.
  • Get paid - many internships pay fairly well.

Internships in physics are available both at Whitman and elsewhere. 

  • For internships at Whitman, get to know professors, learn about their research, and inquire with them about the possibility of a project. Funding for a Whitman internship could come from a couple different sources:
    • Lab grants - if a professor has a research grant, those grants usually include funding for summer interns
    • Perry Awards - Whitman sponsored awards in which student/professor pairs write a competitive proposals, usually due in February 
    • Physics Department - the department itself can fund a few students each summer for internships
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