CHARMM c24 parallel.doc

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                Parallel Implementation of CHARMM

CHARMM has been modified to allow computationally intensive simulations
to be run on multi-machines using a replicated data model.  This
version, though employing a full communication scheme, uses an efficient
divide-and-conquer algorthm for global sums and broadcasts.

Curently the following hardware platforms are supported:

  1. Cray  T3D                     7. Intel Paragon machine
  2. Cray C90, J90                 8. Thinking Machines CM-5
  3. SGI Power Challenge           9. IBM SP1/SP2 machines
  4. Convex SPP-1000 Exemplar     10. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
  5. Intel iPSC/860 gamma         11. Workstation clusters (SOCKET)
  6. Intel Delta machine

* Menu:

* Running::    Running CHARMM on parallel systems
* Status::     Parallel Code Status (as of October 1993)
* Using PVM::  Parallel Code implemented with PVM

File: Parallel ]-[ Node: Running
Next: Status -=- Previous: Top -=- Up: Top

Running CHARMM on parallel systems

  1. Cray  T3D (Cray-PVM)

          ~charmm/exec/t3d/charmm24 -npes 256 < Input_file > output_file &

     The same command may be used in a batch script but without `&'.
     Example using batch:

          #QSUB -lM 16Mw
          #QSUB -lT 600:00
          #QSUB -mb -me
          #QSUB -l mpp_p=32
          #QSUB -l mpp_t=600:00
          #QSUB -q mpp
          setenv MPP_NPES 32
          ~charmm/exec/t3d/charmm24 < Input_file > output_file

     Preflx directives required: T3D UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL PVM

  2. Cray C90, J90 (Cray-PVM)

     No info yet

  3. SGI Power Challenge (PVM)

          setenv NTPVM 16 (or NTPVM=16 ; export NTPVM)
          ~charmm/exe/sgi/charmm24 <input_file >output_file &

     Preflx directives required: SGI UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL PVM SGIMP

  4. Convex SPP-1000 Exemplar

     With PVM
          (see below for information setting up a PVM Hostfile)
          mpa -sc <name_of_subcomplex> /bin/csh
          setenv PVM_ROOT /usr/convex/pvm
          ~/pvm3/bin/CSPP/charmm24 -n 16  <input_file >output_file &
          ~charmm/exe/cspp/charmm24 <input_file >output_file &

     Which subcomplexes are available check with the scm utility.

     (For information on how to set up a PVM hostfile see *note 1: Using PVM.)
     Preflx directives required: CSPP UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL PVM HPUX

     Note: The first time that you build CHARMM with PVM specify the P option
     with  You will be asked for the location of the PVM include
     files and libraries. If these do not change and you do not reconstruct the
     Makefiles, you do not have to specify this option each time you run

     With MPI

          mpa -DATA -STACK -sc <name_of_subcomplex> \
          ~charmm/exe/cspp/charmm24 -np <n> <input_file >output_file &
     Where <n> is the number of processors to use.
     There are two environmanet variables that can be set:
          setenv MPI_GLOBMEMSIZE  <m>
     where <m> is the size of the shared memory region on each hypernode
     in bytes.  The default is 16MB.
          setenv MPI_TOPOLOGY <i>,<j>,<k>,<l>,...
     where <i>, <j>, <k>, <l>, ... are the number of tasks on each hypernode.
     The sum must equal the number of processors specified with -np on the
     command line.  This is optional the default behavior is generally what
     you want.  If you are using a sub-complex with more than one hypernode,
     use may want to include '-node 0' after mpa to keep the 0th process
     on the 0th hypernode of the sub-complex.

     Preflx directives required: CSPP UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL HPUX

     The CSPPMPI directive specifies the use of extensions in the Convex
     MPI implementation. This directive is optional. Use of the MPI
     directive alone will result in a fully MPI Standard compliant program,
     albeit with a loss of performance.

     Note: The first time that you build CHARMM with MPI specify the M option
     with  You will be asked for the location of the MPI include
     files and libraries. If these do not change and you do not reconstruct the
     Makefiles, you do not have to specify this option each time you run

  5. Intel gamma

     Because the fortran compiler on the Intel gamma does not know how
     to rewind the redirected input file the program uses charmm.inp
     file name from current working directory. The script for running
     CHARMM should look like the following example:

          cp input_file.inp charmm.inp
          getcube -t128 > output_file
          load ~charmm/exec/intel/charmm24

     Preflx directives required: INTEL UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL

  6. Intel Delta

          mexec "-t(32,16)" ~charmm/exec/intel/charmm23<input_file>output_file&

     Preflx directives required: INTEL UNIX DELTA PARALLEL PARAFULL

  7. Intel Paragon

          ~charmm/exec/intel/charmm23 <input_file >output_file &

     Preflx directives required: INTEL UNIX PARAGON PARALLEL PARAFULL

  8. CM-5

          ~charmm/exec/cm5/charmm23 <input_file >output_file &

     Preflx directives required:CM5 UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL

  9. IBM SP2 or SP1

          setenv MP_RESD yes
          setenv MP_PULSE 0
          setenv MP_RMPOOL 1
          setenv MP_EUILIB us
          setenv MP_INFOLEVEL  0
          poe ~charmm/exec/ibmsp/charmm24 -hfile nodes -procs 64 <input >output

     See `man poe'  for details.

     Preflx directives required:IBMSP UNIX PARALLEL PARAFULL

 10. PVM

          add host host1
          add host host2
          setenv NTPVM 3
          ~/pvm3/bin/SGI5/charmm24 <input_file >output_file&

     Preflx directives required: machine_type UNIX PARALLEL PVM


     Preflx directives required: machine_type UNIX PARALLEL SOCKET

     Currently the code runs on HP, DEC alpha, and IBM RS/6000
     machines. This has been tested.  The rest of UNIX world should run
     too without any changes as long as the following is true:

     Assumptions for cluster environment:

     Before you run CHARMM you have to define some environment
     variables.  If you define nothing then CHARMM will run in a scalar
     mode, i.e.  default is one node run. (We could adopt PARALLEL
     keyword in pref.dat as default.)


     The program supports two shells: ksh (Korn Shell) and tcsh, which
     is available from anonymous ftp. The only difference from csh on
     which CHARMM makes assumption is definition of variable PWD. This
     variable is correctly defined in ksh and tcsh by default, while
     using csh it has to be defined by the user. Variable PWD points to
     the current working directory. If some other directory is
     requested the PWD environment variable may be changed
     appropriately. The program can figure out current working
     directory by itself but there are problems in some NFS
     environments, because home directory names can vary on different
     machines.( PWD is always defined correctly by shell which supports
     it ) So csh may sometimes cause problems. Using csh the cd command
     may be redefined so that it always defines also PWD. This is done
     with something like:
          alias cd 'chdir \!*; setenv PWD $cwd '
     in the ~/.cshrc file.

     If you get an error which looks something like nonexistent
     directory then define PWD variable directly.

     [NIH specific:
     If you want to use tcsh as your login shell you may run the
     following command:
          runall chsh username /usr/local/bin/tcsh

     runall is a script which runs the command on the whole cluster of
     machines it is on /usr/local/bin at NIH.  ]


     In order to run CHARMM on more then one node environment variables
     NODE0, NODE1, ...,  NODEn have to be defined.

     Example for a 4 node run:

          setenv NODE0 par0
          setenv NODE1 par1
          setenv NODE2 par2
          setenv NODE3 par4
          charmm23 < input_file > output_file 1:parameter1 2:parameter2 ...

     "par0,par1,par2,.." are the names of the machines in the local
     network.  There is no requirement that all machines should be of
     the same type. There is nothing in the program to adjust for
     unequal load balance so all nodes will follow the slowest one. In
     near future we may implement dynamic load balance method based on
     actual time required.

     The assumption here is that the node from where CHARMM program is
     started is always NODE0!

     Setup for your login environment

     In order to run CHARMM in parallel you have to be able to rlogin to
     any of the nodes defined in NODEx environment variables. Before you
     run CHARMM check this out:

     rlogin $NODE1

     if it doesn't ask you for Password then you are OK. If it asks for
     Password then put a line like this:
          machine_name user_name
          in your ~/.rhosts file.

     [NIH specific:
     How to submit job to HP.

     Currently we have assigned machines par0, par1, par2, and par4 to
     work in parallel. You may use script
     /usr/local/bin/charmm23.parallel and submit it to par0. Example:

     submit par0 charmm23.parallel <input_file >output_file ^D

     To construct your own parallel scripts look at
     /usr/local/bin/charmm23.parallel ]

     In the input scripts

     Everything should work, but avoid usage of IOLEV and PRNLEV in your
     parallel scripts.

File: Parallel ]-[ Node: Status
Previous: Running -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Using PVM

Parallel Code Status (as of October 1993)

The symbol ++ indicates that parallel code development is underway.


Fully parallel and functional features:

     Energy evaluation

     ENERgy, GETE


     DYNAmics (leap frog integrator)





     ANAL (energy partition)

     NBONds (generic)


Functional, but nonparallel code in the parallel version (no speedup):
( ** indicates that these can be very computationally intensive and are
not recommended on parallel systems)

     VIBRAN  **

     CORREL **(Except for the energy time series evaluation, which is

     READ, WRITE, and PRINT (I/O in general)

     CORMAN commands


     HBUIld **

     IC (internal coordinate commands)

     SCALar commands

     CONStraints (setup, DROPlet, SBOUnd)

     Miscellaneous commands

     GENErate, PATCh, DELEte, JOIN, RENAme, IMPAtch (all PSF
     modification commands)


     NBONDS (BYCUbe option)

     QUANtum **  ++


     REWInd (not fully supported on the Intel)


     EWALD **


Nonfunctional code in parallel version:

     PERT (just doesn't work yet) ++

     ANAL (table generation)

     DYNAmics (old integrator, NOSE integrator)


     INTEraction energy








Untested Features (we don't know if it works or not):

     MOLVIB  (No testcase for this code?)



     PRESsure (the command)


File: Parallel ]-[ Node: Using PVM
Previous: Status -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Top

Note:   Currently one should specify the absolute path to the pvm include
        files and the pvm library files.  This is done because PVM installation
        is not currently standard.  During installation, through use of, you are asked to specify these paths.

Convex PVM

This version runs using PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) versions 3.2.6 and
higher. To run:

    1. create hostfile - as in the example below:

       #host file
       puma0 dx=/usr/lib/pvm/pvmd3 ep=/chem/sfleisch/c24a2/exec/cspp

       The first field (puma0) is the hostname of the machine.  The dx= field
       is the absolute path to the PVM daemon, pvmd3. This includes the
       filename, pvmd3.  The last field, ep= is the search path for find the
       executable when the tasks are spawned. This can be a colon (:) separated
       string for searching multiple directories. The PVM system can be
       monitored using the console program, pvm.  It has some useful commands:

           conf   list machines in the virtual machine.
           ps -a  list the tasks that are running.
           help   list the commands.
           quit   exit the console program without killing the daemon.
           halt   kill everything that is running and the daemon and exit
                  the console program.

    2. Run the PVM daemon, pvmd3:

           pvmd3 hostfile &

    3. Run the program e.g.:

       /chem/sfleisch/c24a2/exec/cspp/charmm -n <ncpu> <input_file >output_file

       where -n <ncpu> indicates how many pvm controlled processes to run

    4. Halt the daemon. See above.

The Convex Exemplar PVM implementation uses shared memory via the System V
IPC routines, shmget and shemat.

Generic PARALLEL PVM version for workstation clusters

Preflx directives required: <MACHTYPE> UNIX SCALAR PVM PARALLEL
                                                       PARAFULL SYNCHRON

Where <MACHTYPE> is the workstation you are compiling on, e.g.,

Note:   Currently one must specify the absolute path to the pvm include
        files and the pvm library files.  This is done because PVM installation
        is not currently standard.  During installation, through use of, you are asked to spceify these paths.

This version runs using PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) versions 3.2.6 and
higher. To run:

  1. create hostfile - as in the example below:

     #host file
     boa0 dx=/usr/lib/pvm/pvmd3 ep=/cb/manet1/c24a2/exec/hpux
     boa1 dx=/usr/lib/pvm/pvmd3 ep=/cb/manet1/c24a2/exec/hpux
     boa2 dx=/usr/lib/pvm/pvmd3 ep=/cb/manet1/c24a2/exec/hpux
     boa3 dx=/usr/lib/pvm/pvmd3 ep=/cb/manet1/c24a2/exec/hpux

     The first field (boa0, etc) is the hostname of the machine. The dx= field
     is the absolute path to the PVM daemon, pvmd3. This includes the
     filename, pvmd3.  The last field, ep= is the search path for find the
     executable when the tasks are spawned. This can be a colon (:) separated
     string for searching multiple directories. The PVM system can be
     monitored using the console program, pvm.  It has some useful commands:

           conf   list machines in the virtual machine.
           ps -a  list the tasks that are running.
           help   list the commands.
           quit   exit the console program without killing the daemon.
           halt   kill everything that is running and the daemon and exit
                  the console program.

  2. Run the PVM daemon, pvmd3:

           pvmd3 hostfile &

  3. Run the program e.g.:

       /cb/manet1/c24a2/exec/hpux/charmm -n <ncpu> <input_file >output_file &

       where -n <ncpu> indicates how many pvm controlled processes to run

  4. Halt the daemon. See above.

CHARMM .doc Homepage

Information and HTML Formatting Courtesy of:

NIH/DCRT/Laboratory for Structural Biology
FDA/CBER/OVRR Biophysics Laboratory