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Email Lists

Descriptions and appropriate use of email lists:

Any member of the Whitman community may post to the following email listservs:

  • announcements@whitman.edu - Use this list to promote Whitman-related events and activities, such as notices of lectures, film screenings, recitals, department newsletters.
  • community@whitman.edu - Use this list to promote off-campus events and activities, or for personal sharing, such as house-sitting, pets, odd jobs, local community fundraisers, garage sales, etc.
  • forsale@whitman.edu - Use this list only for selling, buying, trading, or giving away items.
  • lostandfound@whitman.edu - Use this list only for information about lost and found items.
  • rides@whitman.edu - Use this list only for information about ridesharing.
  • students@whitman.edu - Use this list for student-focused programs and events. Since students may opt out of this list, official class lists should be used to send messages that include critical information or are legally required. 

Posting to the following email listservs is restricted:

  • faculty@whitman.edu - This list is used to communicate official, Whitman-related information to all faculty members.
  • staff@whitman.edu - This list is used to communicate official, Whitman-related information to all staff members.

Posting guidelines:

  • To avoid cluttering email lists, events and programs should be posted a maximum of three times: once the day of the event, once during the week prior, and once to “save the date” more than one week prior. 
  • When possible, emails should not be cross-posted to more than one of these lists.
  • These lists are not platforms for personal viewpoints or an appropriate space to attack or accuse individuals or groups. Whitman has other mechanisms to address concerns and grievances as needed.
  • Posts that demean individuals and/or groups, threaten the safety of others on campus, or disrupt the educational process will not be allowed.

For further information about email lists, see the Whitman Email Lists and Whitman Email List Moderation articles on the WCTS Knowledge Base.

Human Resources
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